Legends Future Teams–Registration Now Open

Beginning in the Fall 2015, the Legends will be launching
our first travel ball program: the LEGENDS FUTURES TEAMS!
The Legends Futures Teams are designed for players who want to take their skills to the next level and maximize their potential. If your child loves baseball, has some experience and wants to be a better player, he will be a great fit! Just have him attend one of the evaluation days and we will reserve a spot for your child on one of our teams.
From the intermediate, to the advanced/elite player, the Legends Futures Teams will offer programming for players of different levels.
Over the last year we have had numerous conversations with travel ball parents in the community. We listened to all the valuable input have developed a unique, one of a kind travel ball model.
The core of Legends Futures Teams will be detailed, high-energy practices run by the professional and passionate coaches of the Legends Collegiate Baseball team. The emphasis will be on developing advanced baseball skills as well as teaching valuable life lessons through preparation, competition, and teamwork.
Because we strongly believe that children should have a balance of experiences, our program provides all the benefits of a travel ball team, while offering flexibility and time for other enriching activities and family events.
The Legends Futures Teams will offer unmatched communication, top-level coaching, and a flexability that allows for a full lifestyle, on and off the baseball field. There’s no other travel team like it!
Legends Travel Teams FAQs
Tell me about the new Legends Futures Teams!
- The Legends Futures Teams are a new brand of travel ball/tournament teams starting in the fall of 2015! We have spent almost an entire year talking to travel ball families to learn about the positives and negatives of the other programs out there. Our goal was to create a program which would improve upon the shortcomings of all the other travel ball providers while providing the advanced skills and competition provided by the travel team experience.
How will the Legends Futures Teams differentiate from other travel teams?
The following 3 areas are our areas of focus and differentiation:
- Highly Experienced and Professional Coaches – The Coaches of the Legends Futures teams will be the most experienced and professional coaches in Peninsula travel ball. All of the Legends Futures coaches are inspired teachers of the game who are incredibly passionate about bringing out the best in each and every player. Our practices will be run similarly to a college practice in order to maximize repetitions, work on the fundamentals and prepare the players for upcoming competitions eventually high school level baseball.
- Flexibility – Because we believe strongly that children should have a balance of experiences, our program offers flexibility to enjoy all the benefits of a travel ball team while still having time for other enriching activities.
- First Class Communication and Customer Service – Utilizing the newest apps for sports team management, the Legends coaches and full time staff will provide top of the line customer service to ensure families know ALL the details regarding your child’s team. Whether it be the practice schedule, the necessary uniforms, or info regarding an upcoming tournament, our goal is to ensure all parents are up to speed on all info surrounding your child’s team!
What are some of the core philosophies and goals of the Legends coaching staff?
- Developing a love of baseball: Our primary goal is to develop the kids’ love for baseball. If kids are falling and staying in love with the game of baseball, that’s a success!
- Detailed baseball skill training: By developing children’s’ love of baseball, our program will enhance your child’s work ethic so that he is intrinsically motivated to be the best he can be. We believe that detailed, high intensity practices are the best way to work on and improve baseball skills. The games and tournaments are the reward and allow the player to implement their skills in a pressure filled, performance environment.
- Teaching life skills through baseball: The odds of making it to the major leagues are miniscule. Setting these lofty expectations is not in your child’s best interests. The goal is to teach life lessons through baseball; dealing with failure, being a good teammate, accountability and work ethic are the primary areas of focus for our coaching staff.
So what exactly will the program look like?
- Weekly outdoor practices
- Weekly indoor hitting/pitching focused practices
- Agility and strength workouts
- Weekend games against local travel teams
- Weekend tournaments against regional travel teams
What will the Legends Future Teams cost?
- There will be a number of options available based on age and level of participation. In general, costs will be between $1000-$2000 for the fall season.
How do I know if my child is a good fit for the Futures Teams?
- If your child loves baseball, has some experience and wants to be a better player, he will be a great fit! The Legends Futures Teams are best suited for players who want to take their skills to the next level and maximize their potential.
If I sign up now, am I guaranteed a spot on a Legends Futures Team?
- YES. As long as your child meets the above criteria and attends one of the evaluation days, we will reserve a spot for your child. If you are uncertain whether or not your child will be a good fit for this program, please email David at david@menloparklegends.com or call at 650.387.4427.
Will there be elite or advanced teams?
- From the intermediate, to the advanced/elite player, the Legends Futures Team will offer programming for players of different levels. Decisions regarding time commitment and competition levels will be made after evaluations.
What should my child expect during the evaluation days?
- The purpose of the evaluation days are to get acquainted and to determine you’re child’s current level of play. These days will not be like a typical tryout and will be more like a typical team practice. After the evaluation, the coaches will be available for a follow up call to go over any questions you might have about the Legends Futures Teams.
When and where are the evaluation days?
- The first evaluation day is at 10am on Saturday, May 30th at Cañada College in Redwood City before the Legends Collegiate team home opener. You are welcome to leave your child at Cañada College for the day so they can watch the Legends Collegiate team play! Last pickup time is 3:30pm. Other evaluation days are any Tuesday at the Legends summer camp (June 16, 23 or July 7, and 11 in Menlo Park. July 14 and August 4 in Redwood City). If sending your child to a Tuesday evaluation day, please have him dropped off at 8:45am, at the camp.
How do I sign up?
- You can sign up now at the Legends Registration Site. There will be a deposit of $100 (+$70 if selecting the Tuesday evaluation option without a full week of camp) 100% of which will will be applied to your final Legends futures registation fees (see our general FAQs below for information on registration fees).