Legends looking for host families!

Our hometown Menlo Park Legends baseball team is looking for summer host families!
Does your family have some baseball lovers? Would you like to help out an aspiring major league baseball player? If so, maybe you would be interested in providing summer housing for a responsible athlete playing for our hometown Menlo Park Legends!
Hosting a Legends player involves providing a college baseball player with lodging for 2 months during the summer! Playing summer baseball is very important for a college baseball player’s development as they must continue gain experience and improve while in the off-season. We currently have multiple players from all over the country who wish to come to the Bay Area and play for the 2013 Menlo Park Legends!
Being a Host Family for a player at this level can be a very unique and rewarding experience. You will forever have the knowledge that you:
– Assisted a young baseball player pursue his dream of playing Major League Baseball
– Provided a summer home for a Collegiate Athlete.
– Helped the Menlo Park Legends organization with its most pressing, and much appreciated need…A HOST FAMILY!
Our schedule runs from June until early August. Tentatively, our schedule has 44 games not including playoffs. We will be playing about 20 home games at Canada College and are traveling out of town on many weekends. We currently have 12 overnights planned for this coming summer. Your host player will also be working the Legends Youth Summer Baseball camp. The reason I am telling you this is because your hosted player will be very busy. However, when he is not busy and at the house, he will act as part of the family. He will abide by all household rules, have his own chores and will overall be a fantastic addition to the family!
All players who we place with families are given intense background checks. This includes talking to his college coach, his family and the player himself. After deciding if the paired Legend is a good match for your family, you can chat with him on the phone, Skype or even in person! When we have placed players with host families in the past, the best matches have been families who have young children. College baseball players are fantastic role models for aspiring young athletes.
If you would like to speak to a past Legends host family, please reach out and we’d be happy to provide you with contact information.
This is truly an incredible experience, so if you have an extra bed in your house and are interested please contact us as soon as possible!
Please contact David at 650-387-4427 or send an email to david@menloparklegends.com if you are interested in learning more!