#59: Justin Dehmer – Be a 1 Pitch Warrior

Updated: October 24, 2016

David talks with Justin Dehmer, a coach who broke the high school baseball win streak record, about what it means to be a 1 Pitch Warrior. Dehmer shares his techniques on how to get young ball players to have a “we mentality” and be process based.


Guest Links:

Website: 1pitchwarrior.com

Twitter: @1pitchwarrior

Facebook: facebook.com/1PitchWarrior/


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Keywords: relationships, health, nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, meditate, meditation, mindfulness, productivity, success, happiness, bio-hacking, gratitude, leadership, love, greatness, community, baseball, coach, coaching, manage, managing, relax, relaxing, family, stress management, CEO, friend, athlete, lifestyle, sports, preparation, david klein, entrepreneur, slump, warrior, motivation, organization, quality,