#39 – Jon Gordon: The Power of Positivity

David chats with international best selling author and speaker Jon Gordon about the importance of positivity. Jon discusses how to balance positivity with being authentic and how staying connected to the world allows you to live a more positive path. Jon digs in on topics such as gratitude complaining, staying open to “signs” and how to deal with energy vampires. This conversation is perfect for anyone looking to live a more connected, fulfilling and positive life.
Guest Links:
Twitter: @JonGordon11
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Keywords: relationships, health, nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, meditate, meditation, mindfulness, productivity, success, happiness, bio-hacking, gratitude, leadership, love, greatness, community, baseball, coach, coaching, manage, managing, relax, relaxing, family, stress management, CEO, friend, athlete, lifestyle, sports, preparation, david klein, entrepreneur, slump, life