#37: Lantz Wheeler – How to Develop a Young Pitcher

Updated: April 19, 2016
Legends Baseball - the Total Baseball Experience. The most unique and fastest growing Bay Area baseball camp. THE Peninsula baseball camp.

David talks with Baseball Think Tank founder Lantz Wheeler about the launch of his baseball business his thoughts on common pitching tools. Lantz highlights the importance of implementing pitching gadgets, which provide immediate feedback for players to “feel” what they are doing. Lantz also discusses the importance of proper practices during early development and why youth ballplayers should always be throwing as hard as possible and swinging for the fences!

Guest Links:

BaseballThinkTank.com : http://baseballthinktank.com

ThinkTank Podcast: Subscribe to The Baseball ThinkTank Podcast on iTunes

Follow Lantz on Twitter @LantzWheeler

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Keywords: relationships, health, nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, meditate, meditation, mindfulness, productivity, success, happiness, bio-hacking, gratitude, leadership, love, greatness, community, baseball, coach, coaching, manage, managing, relax, relaxing, family, stress management, CEO, friend, athlete, lifestyle, sports, preparation, david klein, entrepreneur, slump, life

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